Labels:book | bulletin board | sky OCR: W Vhat' New This Issue: Seplermiber 1993 Vol .3-9 GAMES DIVERSIONS MUSIC R SOUND two of virlual field trip to the Asist rlianotitback. INOUSTRY NEWS Gallery. Feature information The Gourmel and Computi resoutecs BvEeS rized Bate the your Kifchen Mareas appetite and of Gourmet with The plus Sourd presentations two Bvtes 60 second A car-full music ofa becs automotive fo you sound multineda efiects all the arid Teachers' Mathplot Resourca thie Higher Sertion Math Thern section. tr the Calendar latest pup Nexysby recen tee raparts ar updated Events Nonlin Electronic Sommelier Prevtew an upcoming TV MIDI Connection: Operetta includes Becthoven COMMENTARY NAUTILUS LETTERS serias from the Frucal Gatrme Ja $Smith; r few Sonata Op. 81a and selections from "Sullivan' CD ROM lorld maaazine provides m ...